General information about company

Name of The CompanyCEAT Limited
BSE Scrip Code500878
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyCEAT Kelani International Tyres (Pvt.) LimitedRaychem RPG (Pvt.) LimitedKEC International LimitedRPG Enterprises LimitedRPG Life Sciences LimitedAssociated CEAT (Pvt.) LimitedCeat-Kelani International Tyres (Pvt.) LimitedCeat Kelani Radials (Pvt.) LimitedSeniority Private LimitedGreenzest Solar Private LimitedCeat-Kelani International Tyres (Pvt.) LimitedTyresnmore Online Private LimitedMALABAR COASTAL HOLDINGS LLPChattarpati Apartments LLPB.N. Elias & Co. LLPKEC International LimitedRPG Enterprises LimitedRPG Enterprises LimitedCEAT Limited Superannuation SchemeCEAT Limited Employees Gratuity FundCEAT Limited Superannuation SchemeArtemis ventures LimitedAnant Vardhan GoenkaArnab BanerjeeKumar SubbiahVallari GupteKhaitan & Co.RPG Enterprises LimitedZensar Technologies LimitedAssociated CEAT (Pvt.) LimitedCeat Kelani Radials (Pvt.) LimitedCEAT Akkhan LimitedAssociated CEAT (Pvt.) LimitedHarsh Vardhan GoenkaAtul C. ChokseyHaigreve KhaitanMahesh S. GuptaParas K. ChowdharyVinay BansalPriya NairHarsh Vardhan GoenkaAtul C. ChokseyHaigreve KhaitanMahesh S. GuptaParas K. ChowdharyVinay BansalPriya NairPunita Lal
Categories of related partiesOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyAssociatesOther related partyAssociatesPromoters GroupPromoters GroupOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partyOther related partySubsidiariesOther related partyPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parent
description of relationshipSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedDirectors, KMP or their relatives are interestedAssociate Company Subsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedAssociate Company Promoter GroupPromoter GroupEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsPost employment benefit fundPost employment benefit fundPost employment benefit fundDirectors, KMP or their relatives are interestedManaging Director Whole time DirectorChief Financial OfficerCompany SecretaryDirectors, KMP or their relatives are interestedEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsEntities where control / significant influence by KMPs and their relatives existsSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedSubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedSubsidiary CompanySubsidiary of CEAT Kelani Holdings (Pvt.) LimitedChairman, Non-Executive DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorChairman, Non-Excutive DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent Director
PAN of related party
CIN of related partyU74999MH1984PTC033786L45200MH2005PLC152061U74140MH1988PLC046122L24232MH2007PLC169354U52100MH2016PTC273209U40300MH2019PTC325558U25119DL2014PTC267768L45200MH2005PLC152061U74140MH1988PLC046122U74140MH1988PLC046122U74140MH1988PLC046122L72200PN1963PLC012621

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services32396
Sale of goods and services1491168
Purchase of fixed assets932937
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services29127
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken
Loans and advances given that are repaid
Loans and advances taken that are repaid
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement1652519102497077
Equity investment240
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income
Interest paid
Dividend income
Dividend paid30024
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party12473


Short term employee benefits58028223641
Post employment benefits231042
Other long-term benefits
Termination benefits
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured1428931148716324


Un Secured42541821174

Loans and advances given

Un Secured4161753

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured

Deposits placed

Un Secured

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


Reimbursement/ (Recovery) of expenses (net). PAN and CIN are not available since the entity is incorporated outside India. - Rs. 12 Lakhs
Royalty Receivable : Rs. 142 Lakhs
Reimbursement/ (Recovery) of expenses (net): Rs. 4 Lakhs

Advances Recoverable in cash or kind and other balances : Rs. 4 Lakhs
Capital advance net of capital creditors : Rs. 42 Lakhs 
Purchase of capex / spares : Rs. 93 Lakhs
Reimbursement/ (Recovery) of expenses (net). Rs. 7 Lakhs
Purchase of capex / spares - Rs. 2937 Lakhs
Rent paid on residential premises / guest house, etc - Re. 1 Lakh
Reimbursement/ (Recovery) of expenses (net).
Reimbursement/ (Recovery) of expenses (net). - Rs. 3 Lakhs
Building Maintenance Recovery - Rs. 65 Lakhs
Advances recoverable in cash or king andd other balances: Rs. 16 Lakhs
Royalty Income. PAN and CIN are not available since the entity is incorporated outside India.
Royalty Income. PAN and CIN are not available since the entity is incorporated outside India.
Royalty Income. PAN and CIN are not available since the entity is incorporated outside India.
Purchase of traded goods and others.
Purchase of traded goods and others. - Rs. 396 Lakhs
Outstanding balance of Unsecured Payables - Rs. 54 Lakhs
Sales. - Rs. 1491 Lakhs
Trade Receivables : Rs. 893 Lakhs
PAN and CIN are not available since the entity is incorporated ouside India.
Sales - Rs. 168 Lakhs
Investments (including share application money) made duing the year - Rs. 240 Lakhs
Trade Receivables - Rs. 114 Lakhs 
Rent paid on residential premises / guest house etc.
Rent paid on residential premises / guest house etc.
Rent paid on residential premises / guest house etc.
Building maintenance revovery
Building maintenance revoveryn- Rs. 70 Lakhs
Advances recoverable in cash or kind and other balances : Rs. 17 Lakhs
Rent recovery on residential premises
Contribution to Post-Employment Benefit Plans
Receipt from post emplyment benefit plan
Receipt from post emplyment benefit plan
Consultancy Fees : Rs 29 Lakhs
Trade Payables : Rs. 18 Lakhs
Remuneration paid to Managing Director - Rs. 603 Lakhs
Dividend Paid during the period - Rs. 3 Lakhs
Remuneration paid to Whole-time Director
Remuneration paid to Chief Financial Officer
Remuneration Paid : Rs. 240 Lakhs
Rent Recovery on residential premises / guest house : Rs. 7 Lakhs
Closing credit balance: Rs. 2 Lakhs
Dividend paid during the period : Rs. 9000 rounded off in lakhs
Remuneration Paid : Rs. 43 Lakhs
Dividend paid during the period: Rs. 270 rounded off to lakhs
Legal Fees : Rs. 127 Lakhs
Trade Payable: Re. 1 Lakh
CIN is not available since it is a partnership firm.
License Fees
Advances recoverable in cash or kind and other balances
Advances recoverable in cash or kind and other balances : Rs. 3 Lakhs
Royalty Receivable : Rs. 87 Lakhs
Royalty Receivable
Trade Payables
Trade Receivables
Director Sitting fees during the period. - Rs 2 Lakhs
Dividend paid during the period : Rs. 24 Lakhs
Director Sitting fees during the period.
Director Sitting fees during the period. Payments have been made to Khaitan & Co under PAN AAFFK0088D
Director Sitting fees during the period.
Director Sitting fees during the period. Mr. Paras K. Chowdhary has resigned w.e.f. September 3, 2021. Transactions reported are for the relevant period.
Director Sitting fees during the period.
Director Sitting fees during the period.
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period. Payments have been made to Khaitan & Co under PAN AAFFK0088D
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period.
Commission paid during the period. Punita Lal resigned w.e.f. January 20, 2021. Commission was paid to her for the relevat period.